Daily Cleaning Tips for Different Types of Tiles & Natural Stones

Tile flooring stands out among other forms of flooring irrespective of type of tile you use. Thanks to their elegant appearance, durability and ease of care. Though maintaining tiles like Marble In Kishangarh may appear effortless, there are a few tips and techniques you should use to keep them looking brand new. With these tips from the Makrana Marble Exporter, you will get rid of stains quickly while keeping them sparkling and beautiful all the time. 

Ceramic and vitrified tiles

Glazed and ceramic tiles feature glossy surfaces and require little maintenance, With daily care simply consisting of sweeping (or vacuuming) and using a mild detergent with warm water to sweep. For daily care purposes, this should suffice. Lemon juice or vinegar mixed with warm water as a mopping solution is an effective solution to restore tiles that have become stained due to improper cleaning.

Marble Tiles

Marble tiles require special care as they are susceptible to staining and scratches. So applying non-abrasive dish soap with neutral pH levels and warm water is the ideal way to clean Marble In Kishangarh. Apply enough soap to wet the tiles with a paper towel before wiping them clean - any excess should not remain on marble surfaces. Puddles must not form.

Acidic substances such as sodas, juices and sauces can leave unsightly stains when left for too long without properly cleaning up. Be sure to clean up any spills immediately; instead of scrubbing in circles along the grain in straight lines, clean along the grain, then dry with a mop or towel to keep your marble from the Makrana Marble Exporter beautiful always. 

Glass Tiles

Glass tiles have nonporous surfaces, making them resistant to staining and mould. Their reflective surfaces reflect fingerprints and soap scum easily plus the water staining becomes evident more quickly on their smooth surfaces than it would with regular window cleaning products. Soap stains should be easily removed with regular window cleaner, while mineral deposits resulting from hard water can be treated using vinegar and baking soda applied directly onto a cloth with light pressure before wiping away excess residue and then rinsing with clean water when wiping them dry afterwards.

Slate Tiles

While the material itself may be challenging, its surface can easily be scratched by harsh cleaners that contain chemicals. A gentle stone cleaning detergent would be more suitable. Alternatively, try stain removal with half a cup of ordinary alcohol mixed with one litre of water, which is an effective stain remover. Avoid acid as it can destroy slate tile surfaces.

Brick Tiles

Brick tiles are highly porous and quickly absorb dirt and grime which means you need regular maintenance to maintain their aesthetic value. Begin with dry sweeping before mopping with vinegar-water solutions. Or mix two tablespoons of baking soda per four litres of water as an alternate way to mop. For stubborn spots and stains, use a nylon scrubber with stiff bristles.


These are the daily cleaning tips for different types of tiles and natural stones. We hope you will find this information useful. 


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